How to Remove Old Window Tint

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Old window tint has a way of making even the most expensive car look like a rundown vehicle -especially if it is an old model. If you a looking to revamp your vehicle, removing old window tint will automatically give your car an instant facelift. However, most people dread this job as they think it is hard and tedious.

With the right tools and cleaning agents, you will have your car windows looking new in no time. Here are some easy ways to remove old window tint.

Goo Gone

Goo Gone is a chemical product designed to weaken adhesive glue bonds and make it easy to wipe off. All you have to do is spray it on the window and leave it for a while for it to work. Then proceed to wipe off the glue.

Use alcohol, e.g., Rubbing alcohol/Acetone/ Nail Polish remover.

The high alcohol content in the rubbing alcohol, acetone, and polish remover will make the glue much easier to remover. Any other alcohol-based product will also weaken the adhesive and make it easier to remove the window tint glue.

What you will need:

  • Scraper or razor blade
  • Rubbing alcohol/ acetone/ polish remover
  • A blow dryer or heat gun
  • Hot soapy water
  • Soft cloth
  • Ammonia

Methods for window tint glue removal

Manual method

The most basic way of removing the window tint. Apply hot soapy water on the window and let it sit for a while. This will soften the glue and make it easier to remove it.

Ammonia method

Mix ammonia with warm water in a spray bottle and spray it on the window tint glue. Then proceed to scrape it off. Finally, clean the window using soapy water.

Check this too: How to Clean Tinted Windows

Solar peel

This solar heater cover uses heat energy from the sun to melt the window tint glue. It requires soaking your window in soapy water first before laying the solar peel on top so the sun’s heat can melt the glue. The soapy water further disintegrates the glue making it easier to remove.

Dry heat

This method can be done using a blow dryer, heat gun, or any other heat-producing gadget without a flame. The heat will help to melt the glue making the window ting easier to remove. Use the heat sparingly to prevent thermal shock that may cause your car windows to crack.

Steam it off

You can use this method to heat the glue before peeling the tint and scraping what’s left behind using a razor blade or a snow window scraper. Alternatively, you can use it to finish off any leftover glue using the manual window tint removal method.

Does WD 40 Remove Tint Glue?

Yes, it does. WD40 works by weakening the adhesive bond between the glue and the surface. But you have to finish the job with a cleaner such as a glass cleaner once the WD40 has acted on the window tint glue and made it easier to remove.

How to remove baked-on window film

You can use a blow dryer to melt the glue on the window film before scraping it off with a razor blade. Alternatively, you can spray an ammonia-based solution on the windows and wait for the film glue to disintegrate, then remove the film. The older the window film, the easier it will be to remove.

How much does it cost to remove old window tint?

Professional tinting service provider charges between $25 and $50 per windows. If you are getting your windows retinted afterward, you may get the service at a discount. High-end garages tend to charge a lot more for the service.

Will Rubbing Alcohol Remove Window Tint Glue?

Yes. But it should have a high alcohol content for it to break down the adhesive. Isopropyl alcohol with an alcohol percentage of 70% or higher will get the job done. Add the alcohol in a spray bottle, spray it liberally on the window tint, wait a few seconds, and then scrape the tinted window glue off.

When scraping the glue off the back window, be careful not to scrape off the defogging lines from your windows. Be careful not to crack the window glass or chip it while scraping the window glue off.